Sunday, February 7, 2010

God is with you and me...always!: The PRESENT -

God is with you and me...always!: The PRESENT -


Everyday there is something that's not right. You wake up and it hurts to get out of bed, you look in the mirror and realize there's a new wrinkle or gray've got so much to do and you're already behind the eight-ball! Ahhh! Getting old, and having responsibilities can be a pain! But consider the alternative...

You woke up today! Already that put you and your loved ones ahead of many others that didn't make it through the night. Hey, and by the way, if there are 'loved ones or even just one' you are blessed. So, let's start counting the rest of the blessings. Were you able to get out of bed? Did you stand up, walk, and get yourself to the mirror in the bathroom? Can you see? Do you have hair? I think you 'see' where I'm headed... each of our 'burdens' can be a blessing if you choose to 'see' it in that light. How many people would love to have all you have to do today? Perhaps you have a job? Maybe you're job hunting? Maybe you care for others? Whatever you're 'to-do' list entails, it's something that someone else would love to 'have to do'. Think about it! Are you starting to see blessings where before you saw burdens? If so, great! You're refocusing on the positive and not the negative.

Paul wrote in the Philippians 4:8
"Finally, bothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things."

And he wrote this while imprisoned awaiting his death! So, if Paul can lead us to doing this type of focus while in that situation, don't you think we should strive to focusing on what is excellent and praiseworthy in our life situations?

Focus on the positive and see the blessings God has given you today - enjoy the 'presents' of the PRESENT!

May your day be blessed with the realization of God's omnipresence, and of His faithfulness and love in your life today - Praise God our Heavenly Father who has seen fit in His mercy and grace to provide for us each day so much more than we deserve.