Friday, April 22, 2011

How will you remember me...

Death is not an easy is painful whether it comes as a surprise or if it's arrival is long suffered. But it's arrival is inevitable for all us. There is a saying that states, once we're born two things are certain, death and taxes. We just finished tax season, but what season of life are we in?

What would be preferred: to be branded with an expiration date - see it coming and know more or less when it will occur, or to have it occur totally unexpected.

But when we really think about it - should it ever be 'unexpected'? We are given the gift of life - a true miracle. Then from that first moment of birth, each milestone, each day, each minute, each breath is a new gift. We do not have the assurance of next year, next month, tomorrow, or even that we will finish out today. An accident while driving, a heart attach while working, an anurism in our sleep, a surgery gone wrong, an undetected illness, or maybe just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. What we can be assured of is that our 'time' is coming. So, what should we do, live in fear or focus on the fact that our journey is coming to an end? NO!!! Fear is debilatating and negative and who needs it, and while the journey is coming to an end - it's not over yet!

Use what we have left (how ever long that may be) of our lives to do two things:
Prepare for eternity - because that is coming too. Get to know our Lord and Maker. Nurture a relationship with our Savior and Redeemer. Listen to our Counselor and Comforter. God loves you - He loves you so much that He gave His One and Only Son as a sacrifice for your sins in order to redeem you unto Himself. Jesus paid the price for you - He is The Rock we can stand on, and it was His redemption of us that gives us the confidence to approach God not as strangers or servants, but as His children. It is because of Jesus Christ that we can have more than just hope for a joyous eternity, we can have the assurance of it! And it was Jesus, who asked our Heavenly Father to leave us with the Holy Spirit to comfort and guide us; that we would never be alone while here on earth. We need to be using the time we have here on earth to deepen our relationship with God - to grow in understanding - and to serve and honor Him. Use this time to help guide others toward Him so that they too may know the joy of salvation, and so that we may be found faithful.
Enjoy the Present! - Take time to enjoy the blessings you've been given; relish the moments we have the gift of having. TODAY - the PRESENT is YOUR life...everything else, your family, a job, friends, the ability to sit, walk, see, read, eat, talk, hear, think, remember, EVERYTHING is a blessing - and all things (including the 'bad') can be used to bless us if we trust in the Word of God and believe in Him. Focus on the good, focus on the positive - everything we need has been provided, and many of our wants as well. Develop and nurture an Attitude of Gratitude and you will find that 'life' is sweeter. Today, is important, this moment does count - use it wisely; give it your all!

God is with you and me always - talk to Him, spend time with Him, and focus on all that you have and not the few things you're missing. Life can be hard but God is good, and life is better than the alternative.

If you have lost someone you loved, I'm sorry for your loss...honor them and the life they lived by living your life to the fullest.

If you are facing a serious illness and death's timing is drawing visibly near for you or for a loved one, I'm sorry for the pain and burden you are carrying...don't hesitate to share Life and Love with those around you, and know that this life we live hear on earth is tempral... better things lay ahead for those who are with the Lord! If you have God in your life then you know that joy unending is your assurance. If you don't have God in your life and you haven't accepted His gift of Jesus Christ then do so NOW - invite Jesus into your heart, accept His gift of eternal salvation and welcome to our family of belivers... it's that simple. God is waiting for you with open arms here and now.

If life is in it is for most of us, then remember to enjoy the gift of today to the fullest - live in the will of God - put Him first in your life and all other things will fall into place. Count your blessings and enjoy the journey - life's road can be bumpy at times but joy can be ours at every step if we choose to see it with God in perspective.

Keep on keeping on for as long as we are gifted the blessing and opportunity of life!