Friday, April 11, 2008

The Present - TODAY!

Get a coin you may have in your pocket, or wallet.   
Look at it, most likely not a big deal, it's just a penny - nickel - dime - or quarter.  Nothing major to loose or gain - right?   
But wait!  What if I told you that the edition of the coin you hold in your hand is very rare - a collectors piece worth thousands of dollars!    All of the sudden you regard this coin differently - there is awe and joy in your possession of it - it's special, and you feel special, honored to have it as your own.  
It's amazing how even the most seemingly insignificant of things can change to be very valuable depending on what we know about them and how we see them.  
Today - it probably started as any other day, things to do, places to go, people to see - maybe working, or goofing off...but not specifically special.  
What if it were your last day on earth, and you knew it? 
What if last night something had happened and today you woke up blind, deaf, paralyzed, etc...  What if that is your everyday and last night something happened, and today you never woke up?    
What if... something can change everything - what we have and take for granted everyday is amazing.   
If you woke-up today, if you can see, if you can talk, if you can hear, if you can read, if you can, walk, if you can eat, if you can move, if you had a night's sleep, if you had a bed, if you have a roof over your head, if you have air to breath, the sun to brighten your day, etc . . . there are so many things we have daily (including life!) that we take for granted.  But the key is do we 'see' these things as what they are - a present for the day - 'Today' is a gift - it is the Present!   
Did you receive it?  
Did you thank the giver?  
Adopting an attitude of gratitude, can help us to see the joy we overlook daily at the bountiful basket of gifts each day holds for each of us.   
This day is rare - there has never been one just like it before - there will never be one just like it again - it is precious, and it's been given to you.  
How will you value it?   
How will you treasure it?   
How will you invest it?    
How will you use it?  
Think about it, don't waste it!  Thank God for His gracious gifts, and make the best out of the day you've been given - everyday is a gift, don't forget it!  
We have the hope of tomorrow, but it's not certain - life is ever changing - enjoy the present and make the most of it, it's the only thing we have for sure.
Check it out! - 
There's a story in the Bible about a guy who planned for himself and his tomorrows, but he learned that today is all we have for certain.   Luke 12: 16-21
See what God has to say about 'today' - Hebrews 3:13-15

Thursday, April 10, 2008


We all see these great license plates the read real cool things - I started thinking what would mine say...


How sad is that - what's really sad is that it's true!!!   

It seems I'm always running late.   I try really hard, but then something comes up at the last minute, or I try to squeeze one more thing into those few minutes before. . .  You know?  

Why?   When I know it's not what I need, or want to do - why do I continue to do it?   

We all have our quirks - things we'd rather not do, but somehow seem to keep doing... what's yours?  

As for me, this is one I'm just going to have to prioritize and change - of course, life-long habits are hard to change, and I don't think trying to go it alone will render any different result than the past has proven.    So these are the steps I'm taking: 
  1. Constant Prayer - before, during, and after each appointment, meeting, chore, etc...
  2. Ask for the assistance of others - reminders, prodding, accountability, etc...
  3. Daily set it as one of my 7 'Goals' of the day - to be on time as committed.  
As I've mentioned before, the prayer part #1 is Key in being successful in everything - the big and small things in our lives - God wants to be a part of all of it...

In Matthew 11:28-29 Jesus tells us to give Him our cares, and He will help us - check it out!  

In my #2 step - we need to remember that God has placed around us people to be His hands, feet, helpers - if we want to grow and improve ourselves and we've asked God for help then we need to trust He'll provide it - and sometimes that provision is through His people - 

Do you remember the joke about the guy whose house was in the path of a flood...

The neighbor came by and told him, "Neighbor, we've got to go!  There's a flood coming and if we don't go the flood will over take us, and we will surely die.  Come with me, let's go!" 

To which the man responded, 'No, my God will take care of me. I'll stay.' 

Then the police came by his door as the water was a foot deep all over.  They said, "Sir.  You need to get out of here!  We're already feeling the effects of the flood, if you don't leave now you may not be able to get out."

The man responded, 'No.  Thank you but my God will take care of me.  I'll stay.'

A few hours later, a boat came by the house and could through the second-story window see the man on top of a dresser.  They called out to him, "Hey Mister, come out, we'll help you.  The water is rising and you've got to get out of there, or you'll die!" 

The man confidently responded, 'No, thank you but my God will take care of me.  I'll stay.'

As the man now stood a top his fireplace flume with water covering his entire house, a helicopter flew by and threw him a rope, yelling to him to take hold of the rope and save himself.  

He yelled back, 'No thanks.  I'm fine, my God will take care of me.  I'll stay.'  

Just then a wave came up and swept him away with all the debris pushing him under with a roar.  The man went under - never to be seen again.  

When the man got to heaven, he was welcomed with open arms, and he loved seeing God, but he didn't understand why when he had prayed and had faith - why had God abandoned him, and failed to rescue him?   So he asked God. 

To which God responded, "Son, I sent your neighbor, the police, a boat, and a helicopter - you've got to be kidding me!"   

Well this is a joke, but the truth is there - God will help us, but we've got to help ourselves too!

Which brings me to #3 - we've got to take action to make a change!  I'm setting this as my goal for tomorrow, today's too late - and as you can tell, this blog entry is already a day late - but next week....I might even be early!!!    =) 

What do you need to change in your life?  

What steps will you take to make the change happen? 

May God bless you as you seek to improve yourself on your life journey.  

Remember: Pray, ask and look for help, and then take action!!!  


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Is The Grass Any Greener Over There?

It seems as if we're often looking at what someone else does, or has, in comparison to what we do or have - looking at where we used to be, or where we want to be, as opposed to where we are now.    Thinking that things are better for 'them', 'him', or 'her', because they have this, or that, stuff or job - because they got this or that break, or connection.    Thinking that it was great back then, or it will be great when...  looking for greener pastures than where we are now.  

Why is that? 

I've found that a sign of 'life' is that it is constantly changing.  The word of God calls these changes 'Seasons'.  In the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1 it reads: 

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:"

All things in life have their own time (season) - sometimes things are not so good . . . 
  • An opportunity passes you by - 
  • A 'friend' treats you wrong - 
  • A co-worker is making you miserable - 
  • Your boss is a jerk - 
  • Your significant other is moving on - 
  • A loved one has passed - 
  • You're physically not well - 

Whatever it is that is wrong in your life - it is just for a season - it won't last forever.    It may seem that what has happened is too big for a seemingly 'Poly-Anna' attitude of 'things will be brighter, just wait and see' - but the truth is ... they will.   
Things change. 

Or it may scare you to think that this wonderful season of bliss is going to change . . . it will, and their will be struggles in life.   Struggles and bad times will come, but they will also go.  
Things change.  

So is the grass greener for someone else, in some other place, or at some other time (past or future)?   

The answer is . . .  
                                   Yes - and - No

Yes, someone else may have it easier - - - in someways, 
Some places may be better  - - - in somethings, 
Some other times may be greater - - - in some aspects.  

BUT not everything is as it seems, and nothing lasts for ever.  

So, STOP worrying about what you don't have, and be grateful for what you do - many others are in a season of a lot less, pray for those who have more struggles than you.  

Learn and grow from the bad times - these will pass, and things will get better.   Life is a journey, where we can pause to smell the flowers, but we keep moving when the scenery is not to our liking - we still have to pass through those areas we don't like, we just don't have to stop and stay there.  

So my friends, 

Enjoy the Great times - live every moment to the fullest!  - unfortunately, these too will pass.  

What season are you in, and what can you be grateful for in it?  

(Hey, you may want to read Phil. 4:4-13 - this is one of my favorite passages and it has to do a lot with this blog post . . . check it out!  =)