Monday, August 25, 2008

Using Time Wisely - part 1

My Dear Friend -

It's been a while since my last Blog posting, but life has been busy and I'm sorry to say this wasn't at the top of my priorities list as of late. But today, TODAY it is!

So, I hope you'll enjoy this entry - that it helps you appreciate and use the gift of Time more wisely - each of us have a finite number of days on this earth, and God can and will if we ask Him, help us to use it more wisely.

Before I get into my post though, I want to ask you the most critical question in reference the wise use of time . . . have you prepared for eternity?

Life is short, regardless of how many days or years we have left, preparing today for ‘today’ is good – many of us do that already. Planning ahead for tomorrow, next week, or developing a 5 Year Plan is good. But it’s done on the ‘hope’ of days to come, not the assurance that they will be.

Preparing for Eternity, well that's critical! Because that journey has already started, since before you were conceived, your days have been numbered – unbeknown to you but known to God – your time here on earth is limited. But if you plan ahead for your eternity, you can rest assured in the knowledge that ‘FOREVER’ your future is bright! You’re ready!

How? Well that’s easy and wonderful wrapped into one – accept Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life, ask Him into your heart as Lord over your life. He will go ahead and prepare a place for you in Heaven, and your eternity will be assured!

If you’d like to get more information on being ready for eternity and what it takes to invite Jesus into your heart, write me and I’ll write you back to provide you with some help or resources. If you want to do it right now, ask Him – pray – talk to God, He’s listening . . . He’s been waiting for you.


Now, we’ve been given the gift of TIME here on earth, we should use it wisely. I hope you’ll find this series of Posts on Using Time Wisely helpful. Enjoy! =)


Steps Towards Using Time Wisely

In today’s world there are so many distractions and things vying for our attention – Cell Phones and PDAs going off - TV, Movies, and Theaters, all sorts of entertainment opportunities – Magazines, Newspapers, and the Flash Bulletins showing us what’s happening, and flooding us with information from all over the world and from celebrities’ personal lives – The Internet with YouTube, EBay, Google and all sorts of opportunities for gathering information, entertainment, and communications we didn’t even know we were missing. It’s so tempting to be distracted by any and all of these things - to let them grab our attention and take up our time.

King David of the Bible, a wise and beloved man after God’s own heart, prays in Psalm 119:3a (TEV), “Keep me from paying attention to what is worthless”.

Consider this: Time is our most valuable resource - we can't make or earn more of it. Unlike any other resource - once it's spent, it's gone! Shouldn’t we pay attention to how we spend it?

Relaxing, researching, learning, building friendships and connections - like work related or other activities that might be seen as 'productive' - are good uses of your time, IF they are done with forethought and/or intention - in their own due, planned, or available (free) time-frame.

When we let time just 'slip away' or let it be 'taken' from us with our implied consent (in that we allow it to happen - usually without any need/benefit being fulfilled), by doing something we didn't have time for - then we've misused or misspent our time; because we have used it for something other than what it was intended. When we misuse, or misspend time we have wasted it. We have not benefited ourselves of its use - as we needed to have done. We’ve been poor stewards of our time. We face the 'temptation' to waste time everyday (See James 1:13-15 / Galatians 6:1 / Hebrews 4:15 and 2:18/ and Corinthians 10:13 for more on temptation and how we should deal with it).

If you have a chance, please look up these verses I’ve listed on dealing with temptation. Temptation is a part of all of our lives, and we all fall prey to it at one time or another, whether it’s the temptation to waste the gift of time, or something else. But God has given us a way out – the strength we need to be victorious over all types of temptation! Read and meditate on these verses, and He will show you the answers you seek.

We’ll talk more about that in future posts, for now, know this my friend – I am praying for you, and God loves you!

It’s God, you, and me – Godunme – together we’re better!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Do you know God?

In doing my Bible study today God led me to a verse to share with you - Hebrews 8:11

11"No longer will a man teach his neighbor,
or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,'
because they will all know me,
from the least of them to the greatest."

Wow! This is the Spirit that God was speaking about... God made it possible that we would 'know Him'.

We need only to seek His word (the letters and stories God set in the Bible to teach and guide us - Life's instruction manuel - The Bible), and listen to what He has to say to us (that still small voice in our heart that warns us when we do wrong, and encourages us when we do right - the voice of our conscience when we are yet not believers - and the conviction of the Holy Spirit when we are His) to know God . . . to KNOW GOD! Wow!

God the almighty Creator of the universe made it possible for me to get to know Him without needing to go through anyone, just me and Him... WOW!

I don't know about you, but I don't think I could get a meeting with the Governor, let alone President! But I know The Great and Holy one and only - none before, and none after - GOD. Wow!

Do you know God? Not just know about Him, but know Him?

You know this passage doesn't preclude us from helping one another to get to where we know God - it just says we can directly know Him - that inside of us we will recognize the truth of Him when we see it. If you don't know God personally today is a good day to start - to meet Him.

If you'd like me to help you please post on my blog and I'll write you back and help you to meet Him personally, guide you to some resources and provide you some tools.

But if you'd rather not post but want to meet Him - just pray with an open heart - ask God to show Himself to you, give your heart to Him and tell Him you need Him, that you want His love - His presence in your life - invite Him into your life today.

He is faithful, and He will answer your prayer... see, wether you know Him or not, He knows you intimately and He is longing to hear from you - pray.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Everything you need...

What is it you need today? Let me ask it again in case you didn't get the question... what is it that you NEED today?

Think about it...

What is it you are lacking that you NEED - that you can't live without? That you can't fulfill your purpose without having?

If you're like me, and you take a few minutes to think about it, I think you'll find you have all your needs...and by virtue that you're reading this on the Internet, you have much more than just what you NEED...

When someone asks that question initially we hear it and think of all the things we wish we had, but often we don't really need these items. Do we? Even when we think of our 'needs' they often tend to be more 'wants' than needs...

Maybe you think 'good health', or 'a job', or 'a loved one' . . . these are more than 'wants' - aren't they? Are they?

God said He was sufficient to meet all our needs - do you believe Him? Do you trust Him to know better than you? Then trust Him to meet your 'needs' and let go of the rest.

Recently I was ill - literally deathly ill - in and out of the hospital, on oxygen 24/7 and barely able to talk or walk... did God meet my needs? Yes! But I don't just say that because I'm still here today - I say that because 'through my illness' God brought healing into my life. I was dying in my daily life, and He gave me 'life' in the midst of my illness. Confusing perhaps, but hear me out...

I was at a job that was literally 'sucking the life out of me' - I loved what I did, but was hating the environment and the circumstances I was working under. I was unappreciated, and over abused - worked beyond what I knew was healthy for me, or my family life. I needed to make a change, but was to 'vested' to do it, to scared to move in a different direction - stuck in my need for income, and status - afraid to loose what I had. But through the illness I saw what was really important, I understood how silly my dedication to 'job' was at the cost of 'family' at the cost of 'self'.

God used my loss of health to open my eyes to what was really important - it was when I was weakest that I sought Him the most - He was, and is, my provider of all - health, money, status, everything! God healed me physically, emotionally, and psychologically - He gave me a chance to start anew, in a different direction.

I found the only 'status' I need is to be His - a child of God! A princess in His Kingdom - what more could I want than this! =)

I have come to the conclusion that since I accepted His gift of 'eternal salvation' I have all I need - I say that in more ways than one... can you understand this? If not, think about it - are you His? Have you accepted His gift? What more do you 'need'?

While financially things may at times get difficult, and life can be hard, I'm sure He is present in my trials, and as His word states - He will bring good out of every situation. I trust Him, and I see how He does meet all my needs - and so many of my hearts desires - do you?

"Praise the Lord, O my soul; ...who satisfies your desires with good things so tat your youth is renewed like the eagle's"
Psalm 103: 1-5

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bad Habits

We all have habits - some good, and some bad.   

A good one might be to shower and brush out teeth daily... hello!  Hygiene!   

A bad one might be smoking.  Or maybe it's something even more common, like procrastinating, or stretching the truth... another way of excusing a lie.  

We fall into bad habits, rarely with the thought that we're creating a habit, just wanting to try something, or just every now and then do something, we know isn't what's right or best for us.  Yet, that's exactly how bad habits begin... with just one small (yet negative) action.  

So, how do we change these bad habits if we want to do what's right (once we recognize that they're not what is good for us or others)?  Whether it's smoking, lying, over eating, or being angry for no reason, etc... how do we change these actions we've done for so long; that now they've become habits?   Is it even possible???

YES!!!  =o)

Anything that is saying to you, 'No - YOU can't!', you should recognize as Satan's deceit.   You can, and I KNOW IT!  

How can 'I' know that 'YOU' can?  Because God told me - and He never lies.  He's telling you the same thing too!  


' I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.'            Philippians 4:13

He tells us in this verse that we CAN do EVERYTHING through HIM -  HE will give you the strength you need to do what you need to do!   He can, and He will!   

You and I are maybe not able to even 'change ourselves', even if we want to.  But He made you, and He can help you to change - and through Him, YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING!!!  

So, talk to God ask Him to give you the strength you need to get rid of Bad Habits, and make yourself better than you are today!  

What Bad Habits do you have?

My list is pretty lengthy, but I'm in prayer, and giving it my all. I know He is helping me, everyday in every way - one step at a time!

May God bless you and keep you - Know that He loves you!  =) and will never leave you!     

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Helping...your enemies?

It's easy to be nice to someone who is nice to you.

But it's oh so much harder to show kindness to someone who has shown you bitter anger, or has caused you pain. The people who have looked for ways to make you look bad, to make your life 'a living hell' in some ways.

How could you be nice to them? Isn't that being a hypocrite? Why would you want to be kind to them? What have they ever done for you to deserve your being good to them? They are awful!!!

I know these feelings and questions all too well; we all do. After all, we're human, and as such we have at one time or another struggled with the concept of showing kindness or 'love' towards those we deem as undeserving. But what about when we try to look at it from God's perspective?

Are we 'deserving' of God's loving kindness? Are we always 'good' and 'kind' to others, and therefore we merit God's 'goodness - blessings'? If you like me had to answer 'no' to that question, then we have to realize that if we want God to show us mercy and grace, we should be willing to show it to others. Especially when it's hard to do so!

The Bible says this about our enemies:

'Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice, or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from him. Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of the wicked, for the evil man has no future hope, and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.' Proverbs 24: 17-20

'If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.' Proverbs 25: 21-22

This needs to be what we remember when we deal with our enemies, not what we want to do, but what God has told us to do. Don't be happy if things go wrong for others - and - show kindness to everyone. Do these things for everyone, whether friend or foe, do what God has asked of you and all will go well for you.

The bible said that in showing kindness, 'the Lord will reward you' - I like that! Don't you?

It also said that those that are evil 'have no future hope' and that their lamp (light or life) would be 'snuffed out'... how sad to have no 'hope' when we as children of God have an assurance. How sad to have this life be all there is, without ever knowing an everlasting joy of love and eternity with God our Heavenly Father.

So my friends, yes - let's help our enemies. How? Pray for them, and if the opportunity arises to do anyone a kindness, do it! No matter who they are - be who you are meant to be - a child of God, who shows His light and love to the world!

Friday, April 11, 2008

The Present - TODAY!

Get a coin you may have in your pocket, or wallet.   
Look at it, most likely not a big deal, it's just a penny - nickel - dime - or quarter.  Nothing major to loose or gain - right?   
But wait!  What if I told you that the edition of the coin you hold in your hand is very rare - a collectors piece worth thousands of dollars!    All of the sudden you regard this coin differently - there is awe and joy in your possession of it - it's special, and you feel special, honored to have it as your own.  
It's amazing how even the most seemingly insignificant of things can change to be very valuable depending on what we know about them and how we see them.  
Today - it probably started as any other day, things to do, places to go, people to see - maybe working, or goofing off...but not specifically special.  
What if it were your last day on earth, and you knew it? 
What if last night something had happened and today you woke up blind, deaf, paralyzed, etc...  What if that is your everyday and last night something happened, and today you never woke up?    
What if... something can change everything - what we have and take for granted everyday is amazing.   
If you woke-up today, if you can see, if you can talk, if you can hear, if you can read, if you can, walk, if you can eat, if you can move, if you had a night's sleep, if you had a bed, if you have a roof over your head, if you have air to breath, the sun to brighten your day, etc . . . there are so many things we have daily (including life!) that we take for granted.  But the key is do we 'see' these things as what they are - a present for the day - 'Today' is a gift - it is the Present!   
Did you receive it?  
Did you thank the giver?  
Adopting an attitude of gratitude, can help us to see the joy we overlook daily at the bountiful basket of gifts each day holds for each of us.   
This day is rare - there has never been one just like it before - there will never be one just like it again - it is precious, and it's been given to you.  
How will you value it?   
How will you treasure it?   
How will you invest it?    
How will you use it?  
Think about it, don't waste it!  Thank God for His gracious gifts, and make the best out of the day you've been given - everyday is a gift, don't forget it!  
We have the hope of tomorrow, but it's not certain - life is ever changing - enjoy the present and make the most of it, it's the only thing we have for sure.
Check it out! - 
There's a story in the Bible about a guy who planned for himself and his tomorrows, but he learned that today is all we have for certain.   Luke 12: 16-21
See what God has to say about 'today' - Hebrews 3:13-15

Thursday, April 10, 2008


We all see these great license plates the read real cool things - I started thinking what would mine say...


How sad is that - what's really sad is that it's true!!!   

It seems I'm always running late.   I try really hard, but then something comes up at the last minute, or I try to squeeze one more thing into those few minutes before. . .  You know?  

Why?   When I know it's not what I need, or want to do - why do I continue to do it?   

We all have our quirks - things we'd rather not do, but somehow seem to keep doing... what's yours?  

As for me, this is one I'm just going to have to prioritize and change - of course, life-long habits are hard to change, and I don't think trying to go it alone will render any different result than the past has proven.    So these are the steps I'm taking: 
  1. Constant Prayer - before, during, and after each appointment, meeting, chore, etc...
  2. Ask for the assistance of others - reminders, prodding, accountability, etc...
  3. Daily set it as one of my 7 'Goals' of the day - to be on time as committed.  
As I've mentioned before, the prayer part #1 is Key in being successful in everything - the big and small things in our lives - God wants to be a part of all of it...

In Matthew 11:28-29 Jesus tells us to give Him our cares, and He will help us - check it out!  

In my #2 step - we need to remember that God has placed around us people to be His hands, feet, helpers - if we want to grow and improve ourselves and we've asked God for help then we need to trust He'll provide it - and sometimes that provision is through His people - 

Do you remember the joke about the guy whose house was in the path of a flood...

The neighbor came by and told him, "Neighbor, we've got to go!  There's a flood coming and if we don't go the flood will over take us, and we will surely die.  Come with me, let's go!" 

To which the man responded, 'No, my God will take care of me. I'll stay.' 

Then the police came by his door as the water was a foot deep all over.  They said, "Sir.  You need to get out of here!  We're already feeling the effects of the flood, if you don't leave now you may not be able to get out."

The man responded, 'No.  Thank you but my God will take care of me.  I'll stay.'

A few hours later, a boat came by the house and could through the second-story window see the man on top of a dresser.  They called out to him, "Hey Mister, come out, we'll help you.  The water is rising and you've got to get out of there, or you'll die!" 

The man confidently responded, 'No, thank you but my God will take care of me.  I'll stay.'

As the man now stood a top his fireplace flume with water covering his entire house, a helicopter flew by and threw him a rope, yelling to him to take hold of the rope and save himself.  

He yelled back, 'No thanks.  I'm fine, my God will take care of me.  I'll stay.'  

Just then a wave came up and swept him away with all the debris pushing him under with a roar.  The man went under - never to be seen again.  

When the man got to heaven, he was welcomed with open arms, and he loved seeing God, but he didn't understand why when he had prayed and had faith - why had God abandoned him, and failed to rescue him?   So he asked God. 

To which God responded, "Son, I sent your neighbor, the police, a boat, and a helicopter - you've got to be kidding me!"   

Well this is a joke, but the truth is there - God will help us, but we've got to help ourselves too!

Which brings me to #3 - we've got to take action to make a change!  I'm setting this as my goal for tomorrow, today's too late - and as you can tell, this blog entry is already a day late - but next week....I might even be early!!!    =) 

What do you need to change in your life?  

What steps will you take to make the change happen? 

May God bless you as you seek to improve yourself on your life journey.  

Remember: Pray, ask and look for help, and then take action!!!  


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Is The Grass Any Greener Over There?

It seems as if we're often looking at what someone else does, or has, in comparison to what we do or have - looking at where we used to be, or where we want to be, as opposed to where we are now.    Thinking that things are better for 'them', 'him', or 'her', because they have this, or that, stuff or job - because they got this or that break, or connection.    Thinking that it was great back then, or it will be great when...  looking for greener pastures than where we are now.  

Why is that? 

I've found that a sign of 'life' is that it is constantly changing.  The word of God calls these changes 'Seasons'.  In the book of Ecclesiastes 3:1 it reads: 

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:"

All things in life have their own time (season) - sometimes things are not so good . . . 
  • An opportunity passes you by - 
  • A 'friend' treats you wrong - 
  • A co-worker is making you miserable - 
  • Your boss is a jerk - 
  • Your significant other is moving on - 
  • A loved one has passed - 
  • You're physically not well - 

Whatever it is that is wrong in your life - it is just for a season - it won't last forever.    It may seem that what has happened is too big for a seemingly 'Poly-Anna' attitude of 'things will be brighter, just wait and see' - but the truth is ... they will.   
Things change. 

Or it may scare you to think that this wonderful season of bliss is going to change . . . it will, and their will be struggles in life.   Struggles and bad times will come, but they will also go.  
Things change.  

So is the grass greener for someone else, in some other place, or at some other time (past or future)?   

The answer is . . .  
                                   Yes - and - No

Yes, someone else may have it easier - - - in someways, 
Some places may be better  - - - in somethings, 
Some other times may be greater - - - in some aspects.  

BUT not everything is as it seems, and nothing lasts for ever.  

So, STOP worrying about what you don't have, and be grateful for what you do - many others are in a season of a lot less, pray for those who have more struggles than you.  

Learn and grow from the bad times - these will pass, and things will get better.   Life is a journey, where we can pause to smell the flowers, but we keep moving when the scenery is not to our liking - we still have to pass through those areas we don't like, we just don't have to stop and stay there.  

So my friends, 

Enjoy the Great times - live every moment to the fullest!  - unfortunately, these too will pass.  

What season are you in, and what can you be grateful for in it?  

(Hey, you may want to read Phil. 4:4-13 - this is one of my favorite passages and it has to do a lot with this blog post . . . check it out!  =)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Some days feel as if they are way too short, you just can't get done as much as you need to; no matter how hard you try.  Other days are long enough but you just can't seem to get yourself in gear... it seems like the day just got started, but somewhere between the beginning and the end, you lost the middle!   The problem isn't the number of hours in the day, it's your use of the hours that seem to make the day inadequate.  

The day's that are too short, I've usually scheduled too much in the day.  The day's that are just not productive, I've usually not been prepared enough for the day.  What does this mean?  Well I didn't schedule my day out - I didn't plan any activities (firmly) - I didn't set any goals.   

That seems to be the difference for me.   If I don't have any goals, then, I don't seem to accomplish what I need to get done; I'm not productive.   In addition, I've found one other thing that makes the world of difference in my productivity - it can be summed up in this poem: 

          The Difference . . . 

I got up early one morning
and rushed right into the day; 
I had so much to accomplish 
That I didn't have time to pray.

Problems just tumbled about me, 
and heavier came each task. 
"Why doesn't God help me?" I wondered, 
He answered, "You didn't ask." 

I wanted to see joy and beauty, 
but the day toiled on, gray and bleak; 
I wondered why God didn't show me, 
He said, "But you didn't seek." 

I tried to come into God's presence; 
I used all my keys at the lock. 
God gently and lovingly chided, 
"My child, you didn't knock." 

I woke up early this morning, 
and paused before entering the day; 
I had so much to accomplish
that I had to take time to pray.  

 -  Author unknown

This is for me what makes THE difference, then I plan and move forward...but first things first.

How about you?  

How do you find your way to being more productive, if you don't have answer, then give my way a try - pray 1st, then set goals, and do the best you can - and let me know what your results!   

Take care!   =) 

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Out of the Comfort Zone - Change

Hey all, 
I got up late today  -  I was enjoying the last few minutes I could in my own bed before starting my hectic day.  I'd been traveling and while the trip was great, I missed my own pillow and bed... you know - the familiarity and comfort of home.   I'd been to a Christian Writers Conference, and while I loved all the stuff I learned and the people I met, I felt a little out of my element - uncomfortable at being enveloped in a new industry - a career change for me.  

Change of any kind can be strange, but strange doesn't necessarily mean good or bad - just different from what we're accustomed to, and therefore it can be a little scary to face alone.  

We need to remember that while change may not be easy,  change is the birthing mother to growth - as well as being the best indicator to life.   

If we stop changing/growing, we stifle and die. 

Think about it, a flower, a tree, nature of all kinds - our human bodies - a sign of our growth is the change we incur; whether that's growing taller, smarter, older, etc... we change as we grow - as we live.  

Psalm 27:1 reads: 
  " The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear?         
  The Lord is the stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?"  

So next time you have a change, welcomed or not, focus on the opportunity to grow in the right direction, and live a better life.    Talk to God, ask Him to lead you, guide and watch over you.  Then trust in Him to do so; you can have faith in the Lord, He is faithful!  With God on your side you have nothing to fear from change (or anything else) - He is light and salvation, and wants to be the stronghold of your life.  Take Him up on His offer to be with you always, to love you no matter what, and to see you through all of life's trials: accept the gift of Jesus' sacrifice and live as a child of God.

Embrace change, and live in confidence and joy; with God there is nothing to fear!  

Be blessed my friends!  =)    

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


The other day I was trying to fit 4 hours worth of work into a two hour window of time - have you ever done that... yeah right, who hasn't!

In today's world it seems as if we're always rushing to catch up with something or someone, not to miss out or be left behind. When we're at work thoughts of family and friends, obligations and/or distractions, clutter our minds and take up our time. And when we're at home we're worried about work, or letting 'home' work steal away the time we should be spending with family and friends, taking care of our responsibilities or enjoying ourselves. I think this is part of the reason we're always rushing (not all of the reason, just part!). We don't fully 'engage' ourselves in the moment.

When the time comes for us to be doing something maybe we're there physically but we're often not there mentally or emotionally. Our heads are thinking about what happened yesterday, or planning what's yet to be. Our emotions are at best benign - not too 'committed' to the activity of the present because we're enjoying our memories of the past, or perhaps anxious about the future, or worse, maybe complaining about the present. How can we give 100% effort when we're not giving 100% attendance? And it stands to reason that if you're only 70% 'there' you'll only get about 70% done - you see where I'm going with this don't you? - This is why we're always feeling like we're running to just catch up - we weren't really there 100%!

I've always said, 'Life's short - work to live, don't live for work!', and generally in work circumstances, I've been the boss so I don't say that because I thing employees should take it easy; more the other way around. But I believe that when we're balanced in our lives - a little work, a little fun, and a little rest - everything works better...everything!

I'd put off getting some work done, it was hard 'cause I'd never done it before, and I didn't feel particularly comfortable with my abilities in doing it - so I was dreading the process. Hence I procrastinated. When I should have been writing the summary of chapters or the query letter for the publishers for my book proposal, I was busy with answering emails or returning phone message. Heck, I even did some research rather than move on what I was supposed to do! In the very last hour before it was due, I finished writing what I should of done the week before and rushed it off to FedEx to get it overnight. I got there with 10 minutes to spare - aah, made it! Or so I thought - I was told by the clerk at Kinko's (when she finally got to me) - 'Oh sorry, we just closed our deliveries for overnight - the computers does it automatically at 5:15. Of course I was thinking, 'what the heck! didn't the computer (you) see me here waiting and realize I needed to send this ASAP tonight - it can't wait!' But instead I just asked if there was anyway it could still go out tonight - luckily she said 'yes, if you take it to the headquarters by the airport and have it there by 5:45'. No problem I thought - it's only 5:15, I was looking forward to the thirty minute drive in 5 o'clock traffic - it'll take me an hour!

So off I rushed...weaving through traffic, praying I wouldn't cause an accident or get a ticket - Yes I talk to God about those thing too, though it's a little ironic to ask Him to help hide me when I'm breaking the law. It always seems I get stuck behind someone who is going way too slow when I'm trying to go way too fast - then I remember I prayed for God not too let me 'cause an accident or get a ticket, and I realize that this slow driver in front of me (which I can't seem to get around) is probably my answer to prayer. I know what I should be doing, but sometimes I just do what I want to do, or think I need to do. God knows this about me, and sometimes in His mercy, He answers my prayer for help in ways I may not appreciate, but need. Has that ever happened to you?

I made it to the headquarters of FedEx at 5:40 - Yeah!!!
But wait, it wasn't quite that easy - the clerk there informs me that the other clerk was wrong -they can't guarantee deliver next day after 5:15 at any office! However, the truck was still there and it would probably still make it by noon the next day (aah, finally some good news!) But no I was wrong - when the clerk looked at the package she proceeded to tell me, 'oh sorry, we can't take this package as addressed - we don't deliver to post office boxes. I didn't know FedEx doesn't deliver to P.O. boxes - couldn't the first clerk had told me this before I risked life and limb to make it to the headquarters office before 5:45!

However she did give me shred of hope I'd still make my deadline - 'If you take it to the Post Office Annex I think they can overnight it - and they don't close 'til 7 PM.' she said!
Yes! There is hope - I'm off again - the Annex is just another 20 minutes further, I should make it there by 6:15 long before they close... Oh wait, did I forget to tell you I was hosting a dinner at 6:00 - which of course I hadn't cooked for because I was busy doing my chapter summary - which I should of done on Saturday but I was too busy doing some shopping for the house, and visiting with friends, and watching TV and... yeah, I guess I wasn't engaged in what I should have been doing when I should have been doing it...well back to the ordeal of the day - Calling the house, my one daughter picked up some items from the grocery store, my other daughter set the table, the other one cooked, and the other one helped pick up the house (I've got 5 girls but one of them was out at the time). They were busy rushing around helping me put together a dinner while I was driving to Timbuktu! I asked my husband to entertain and delay dinner - which he did graciously.

I got to the Annex at 6:15, feeling bad about our guests but good about finally getting the package sent and meeting my deadline - or so I thought. But - you got it - it was not to be. The Annex doesn't do 'Express Overnight Mail' after 5 - so sorry, they said.

Sorry! Sorry! Honey you don't know sorry! I was thinking - - - instead I dragged myself to the car and sat there feeling defeated. After all my efforts, I still didn't get the package mailed and failed to meet my deadline - I tried so hard - it just wasn't fair!

Then that small voice inside of me started to speak to me - I know it wasn't my conscience but the Holy Spirit - I know it was the Holy Spirit because He always speaks wisdom, and peace - all I was spurting at the moment was anger, misery, and self-pity - and He said, 'Caroline, think about it - you're trying to find blame in traffic, people in line, misinformed clerks, slow drivers - everyone but where the blame really didn't do what you needed to do when you needed to be doing it. Your procrastination led to others being inconvenienced (the kids, the clerks, the other drivers on the road) and to your not meeting the deadline. You didn't put first things first and you let yourself be distracted with things you wanted to do, instead of things you needed to do. YOU are the one that didn't meet the deadline, it was YOUR choices that caused it, nothing else.

This is the part we Christians call 'being convicted'. I was being convicted of my sins - I failed to be diligent to my work (God says do all things as if unto the Lord - I hadn't, I'd done things as I pleased, not as it pleases Him). I had been discourteous, quick tempered, and prideful - thinking that things should have worked the way I wanted them to, because I wanted them to; as if I deserved things to work out for me. But the neat thing about being a Christian is that when you're convicted of a sin, and respond appropriately, you're not condemned by it. There is hope!
I asked God to forgive me, and I asked for Him to have things work out as He would like them to - for my good - and I thanked Him for keeping me safe, for teaching me this lesson about putting first things first (again), and for taking this situation and promising to bring good out of it (He does promise this in the Bible - if we give God our life circumstances and trust and follow Him where He leads - He will bring good out of even the worst things in life). Then I calmly drove home, had a great dinner with my guest and family. It was a good night.

The next morning I got up and was pleased to find out that the final deadline was extended to the following day. I also found out that the PO box address I had was incorrect, and I was able to FedEx and meet the final deadline! Life is hard but God is good. I left it in His hands and He worked everything out for my good - pretty amazing huh!?!? =)

But there is a catch -
If you don't learn your lessons and you continue to repeat the same negative behavior - then you'll continue to have difficult 'stress' filled situations - and often the lessons get even tougher the more you have to go through them!

So, learn from my life lessons:
Don't procrastinate and blame others for your shortfalls, and do what you need to do when you need to do it - remember to give a 100% every time!
Proverbs 13:4 NIV
"The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied."