Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Everything you need...

What is it you need today? Let me ask it again in case you didn't get the question... what is it that you NEED today?

Think about it...

What is it you are lacking that you NEED - that you can't live without? That you can't fulfill your purpose without having?

If you're like me, and you take a few minutes to think about it, I think you'll find you have all your needs...and by virtue that you're reading this on the Internet, you have much more than just what you NEED...

When someone asks that question initially we hear it and think of all the things we wish we had, but often we don't really need these items. Do we? Even when we think of our 'needs' they often tend to be more 'wants' than needs...

Maybe you think 'good health', or 'a job', or 'a loved one' . . . these are more than 'wants' - aren't they? Are they?

God said He was sufficient to meet all our needs - do you believe Him? Do you trust Him to know better than you? Then trust Him to meet your 'needs' and let go of the rest.

Recently I was ill - literally deathly ill - in and out of the hospital, on oxygen 24/7 and barely able to talk or walk... did God meet my needs? Yes! But I don't just say that because I'm still here today - I say that because 'through my illness' God brought healing into my life. I was dying in my daily life, and He gave me 'life' in the midst of my illness. Confusing perhaps, but hear me out...

I was at a job that was literally 'sucking the life out of me' - I loved what I did, but was hating the environment and the circumstances I was working under. I was unappreciated, and over abused - worked beyond what I knew was healthy for me, or my family life. I needed to make a change, but was to 'vested' to do it, to scared to move in a different direction - stuck in my need for income, and status - afraid to loose what I had. But through the illness I saw what was really important, I understood how silly my dedication to 'job' was at the cost of 'family' at the cost of 'self'.

God used my loss of health to open my eyes to what was really important - it was when I was weakest that I sought Him the most - He was, and is, my provider of all - health, money, status, everything! God healed me physically, emotionally, and psychologically - He gave me a chance to start anew, in a different direction.

I found the only 'status' I need is to be His - a child of God! A princess in His Kingdom - what more could I want than this! =)

I have come to the conclusion that since I accepted His gift of 'eternal salvation' I have all I need - I say that in more ways than one... can you understand this? If not, think about it - are you His? Have you accepted His gift? What more do you 'need'?

While financially things may at times get difficult, and life can be hard, I'm sure He is present in my trials, and as His word states - He will bring good out of every situation. I trust Him, and I see how He does meet all my needs - and so many of my hearts desires - do you?

"Praise the Lord, O my soul; ...who satisfies your desires with good things so tat your youth is renewed like the eagle's"
Psalm 103: 1-5

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bad Habits

We all have habits - some good, and some bad.   

A good one might be to shower and brush out teeth daily... hello!  Hygiene!   

A bad one might be smoking.  Or maybe it's something even more common, like procrastinating, or stretching the truth... another way of excusing a lie.  

We fall into bad habits, rarely with the thought that we're creating a habit, just wanting to try something, or just every now and then do something, we know isn't what's right or best for us.  Yet, that's exactly how bad habits begin... with just one small (yet negative) action.  

So, how do we change these bad habits if we want to do what's right (once we recognize that they're not what is good for us or others)?  Whether it's smoking, lying, over eating, or being angry for no reason, etc... how do we change these actions we've done for so long; that now they've become habits?   Is it even possible???

YES!!!  =o)

Anything that is saying to you, 'No - YOU can't!', you should recognize as Satan's deceit.   You can, and I KNOW IT!  

How can 'I' know that 'YOU' can?  Because God told me - and He never lies.  He's telling you the same thing too!  


' I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.'            Philippians 4:13

He tells us in this verse that we CAN do EVERYTHING through HIM -  HE will give you the strength you need to do what you need to do!   He can, and He will!   

You and I are maybe not able to even 'change ourselves', even if we want to.  But He made you, and He can help you to change - and through Him, YOU CAN DO EVERYTHING!!!  

So, talk to God ask Him to give you the strength you need to get rid of Bad Habits, and make yourself better than you are today!  

What Bad Habits do you have?

My list is pretty lengthy, but I'm in prayer, and giving it my all. I know He is helping me, everyday in every way - one step at a time!

May God bless you and keep you - Know that He loves you!  =) and will never leave you!     

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Helping...your enemies?

It's easy to be nice to someone who is nice to you.

But it's oh so much harder to show kindness to someone who has shown you bitter anger, or has caused you pain. The people who have looked for ways to make you look bad, to make your life 'a living hell' in some ways.

How could you be nice to them? Isn't that being a hypocrite? Why would you want to be kind to them? What have they ever done for you to deserve your being good to them? They are awful!!!

I know these feelings and questions all too well; we all do. After all, we're human, and as such we have at one time or another struggled with the concept of showing kindness or 'love' towards those we deem as undeserving. But what about when we try to look at it from God's perspective?

Are we 'deserving' of God's loving kindness? Are we always 'good' and 'kind' to others, and therefore we merit God's 'goodness - blessings'? If you like me had to answer 'no' to that question, then we have to realize that if we want God to show us mercy and grace, we should be willing to show it to others. Especially when it's hard to do so!

The Bible says this about our enemies:

'Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice, or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from him. Do not fret because of evil men or be envious of the wicked, for the evil man has no future hope, and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out.' Proverbs 24: 17-20

'If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.' Proverbs 25: 21-22

This needs to be what we remember when we deal with our enemies, not what we want to do, but what God has told us to do. Don't be happy if things go wrong for others - and - show kindness to everyone. Do these things for everyone, whether friend or foe, do what God has asked of you and all will go well for you.

The bible said that in showing kindness, 'the Lord will reward you' - I like that! Don't you?

It also said that those that are evil 'have no future hope' and that their lamp (light or life) would be 'snuffed out'... how sad to have no 'hope' when we as children of God have an assurance. How sad to have this life be all there is, without ever knowing an everlasting joy of love and eternity with God our Heavenly Father.

So my friends, yes - let's help our enemies. How? Pray for them, and if the opportunity arises to do anyone a kindness, do it! No matter who they are - be who you are meant to be - a child of God, who shows His light and love to the world!